Strategies for Creditors in Bankruptcy Proceedings by Lynn M. LoPucki, Christopher R. Mirick
Strategies for Creditors in Bankruptcy Proceedings by Lynn M. LoPucki, Christopher R. Mirick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This invaluable storehouse of tactical guidance has earned unanimous praise for its practical, expert advice on securing your client's rights and achieving the best possible outcome from the bankruptcy process. Attorneys who are faced with perplexing developments in a case - or are trying to plan ahead and anticipate new developments in a case - can turn with confidence to Strategies for Creditors in Bankruptcy Proceedings, Sixth Edition to find all the possible solutions to their clients' problems.Some of the interesting strategies address:
- Selling the company in an LBO? Structure the transaction to insulate it from preference avoidance.
- Licensing intellectual property from a company? Structure the license to take advantage of special protections in the Bankruptcy Code.
- Considering a loan to a financially troubled company? Better dust off your Deprizio waivers.
- Mortgagees, take a close look at your security agreement - you may be secured by more than just the debtor's personal residence, and that's not what you want in a chapter 13.
- Secured lenders, eliminate the possibility of a later 506(c) claim by settling early with the trustee.
- 203 North Lasalle prohibited exclusive deals to shareholders - but new ways of avoiding it are being found. Here's how to oppose them.
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