The Virgil Encyclopedia, 3 Volume Set
The Virgil Encyclopedia, 3 Volume Set PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
- The first comprehensive reference volume to be published in English on Virgil, a poet whose works and thoughts have been at the center of Western literary, cultural, artistic, and pedagogical traditions for more than two millennia
- Complements existing Virgil works by providing readers of all levels an approachable point of entry intry into further Virgil studies
- Offers in-depth treatment of all aspects of Virgil’s poetry, including the Greek and Roman literary traditions that inform his three great collections, the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid, and the reception of Virgil's oeuvre in literature, art, and music down through the ages
- Brings together over 350 contributors who are leading scholars in various periods of literary and cultural studies
- Comprises over 2,200 entries organized in A-Z format
3 Volumes
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