Prickle Moon by Juliet Marillier
Prickle Moon by Juliet Marillier PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Prickle Moon is the first collection of stories by multiple awardwinning Australian writer Juliet Marillier. Born in New Zealand, Juliet Marillier is the author of thirteen novels for readers of all ages. Her bestselling fantasy series include The Sevenwaters quintet, the Saga of the Light Isles, The Bridei Chronicles and the Wildwood series. She lives in Perth, in a one hundred-year-old cottage, which she shares with three dogs. Juliet Marillier is a three-times winner of the Aurealis Award for best fantasy novel. Publisher's Weekly calls her "a fine folklorist and gifted narrator." The book collects 14 tales, including the best of Marillier's published stories, and five additional tales written especially for this collection.From reader reviews:
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