Elephants (Poyser Natural History) by C. A. Spinage
Elephants (Poyser Natural History) by C. A. Spinage PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This volume brings together the latest research and little known observations of scholars, travelers and those who for centuries have worked with the Asian elephant as a beast of burden. The author blends these diverse sources in an easy-to-read style to provide a full and fascinating account of the elephant both in the wild and as long time associate of mans activities. Wide ranging in geographical and temporal terms, it covers both African and Asian elephants as well as their extinct relative, the mammoth.Elephants discusses their origins, evolution, anatomy, ecology, and behavior. It covers the debate that countries such as Kenya and Botswana have suffered an overpopulation of elephants, and describes the ecology of this debate and its relevance to the ivory trade, along with the history of the trade. The book concludes by examining the domestication of the elephant and its practice both past and present.
Key Features
* Discussion of key conservation issues including population growth, culling, and ivory trade
* Includes historical points of interest
* Written by a distinguished and respected wildlife biologist
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