Snakes of the Mid-Atlantic States: A Guide to Common and Notable Species by Clint Pustejovsky
Snakes of the Mid-Atlantic States: A Guide to Common and Notable Species by Clint Pustejovsky PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This guide's six double-sided panels fold up into a handy narrow packet which is sized to fit in your back pocket yet sturdy enough to stand up under repeated use. Lamination has also made the guide waterproof. It describes over 50 species of snakes found on the mid-Atlantic states: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, and West Virginia, including 7 venomous snakes. The guide also features color photos that makes it ideal for field use. Common and scientific names, average adult size, habitat, diet, and behavior are described. Tips on field identification and safety instructions are also discussed. Identify that unexpected visitor in your yard or while out and about. Excellent for nature enthusiasts of all ages.From reader reviews:
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