Introduction to Environmental Engineering by C. David Cooper
Introduction to Environmental Engineering by C. David Cooper PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Dr. Cooper's 35 years of university experience and his award-winning teaching style are evident in this highly readable, authoritative introduction to environmental engineering. Appropriate for all branches of engineering, this text presents fundamental knowledge in a logical, up-to-date manner, incorporating abundant examples with step-by-step solutions to illustrate key concepts. Central to Cooper's treatment is the use of material and energy balances to solve specific environmental engineering problems and to instill a problem-solving mind-set that will benefit readers throughout their careers.Introduction to Environmental Engineering offers an overview of the profession and reviews the math and science essential to environmental engineering practice. The comprehensive coverage includes water resources, drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, air pollution control, solid and hazardous wastes, energy resources, risk assessment, indoor air quality, and noise pollution. Featuring more than 80 graphics, real-world examples, and extensive end-of-chapter problems (with selected answers), this volume is an outstanding choice for a first course in environmental engineering.
Not-for-sale instructor resource material available to college and university faculty only; contact publisher directly.
Also by C. David Cooper and Waveland Press: Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach, Fourth Edition (ISBN 9781577666783).
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