PDF⋙ The Great Rejected Books of the Biblical Apocrypha (the Sacred Books of Early Literature of the East, Vol. 14) by Charles F. Horne
The Great Rejected Books of the Biblical Apocrypha (the Sacred Books of Early Literature of the East, Vol. 14) by Charles F. Horne
The Great Rejected Books of the Biblical Apocrypha (the Sacred Books of Early Literature of the East, Vol. 14) by Charles F. Horne PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"The books included in the present volume are those which, loosely speaking, we call 'The Apocrypha.' They have a strange and piercing interest of their own. They are very old; most of them are very noble of sentiment and high of purpose; yet for one reason or another they have been tightly rejected from the Holy Scriptures into which they sought admission. The origin of most of them is doubtful."-From the Introduction.From reader reviews:
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